, clap de fin
Pipenv support
Optimize your website within two hours
Better emails
Support for pip 8 Hash-Checking Mode
Track your licenses!
ShiningPanda plugin 0.22 is out!
A new notification system
New Logo
Steady as She Goes
Switching to Flat Badges
And the winner is...
Production Server Monitoring
Svg Badges
An API to track your requirements introduces changelogs
ShiningPanda plugin 0.21 is out!
A pull-request to stay secure
ShiningPanda CI, clap de fin
Improved tox.ini analysis
A badge to track your dependencies
Buildout, Tox and a new pricing!
An email digest to track your dependencies
Get notified!
Check Python3 Requirements
Keep track of your requirements with
One click away from testing with Redis
ShiningPanda plugin 0.15 is out!
Multi-browser Selenium tests with Django 1.4+ on Jenkins
Multi-browser Selenium tests with Django 1.4+
Selenose 1.3 is out!
Selenium tests with Django 1.4+ on Jenkins
Selenium tests with Django 1.4+
MySQL table lock with Django
ShiningPanda becomes ShiningPanda CI
More and more Python interpreters
Python & Java: a unified build process (4/4)
Python & Java: a unified build process (3/4)
Working with private repositories
Python & Java: a unified build process (2/4)
Windows 7
ShiningPanda plugin: IronPython here we go!
Python & Java: a unified build process (1/4)
ShiningPanda new plans: Pro accounts starting at $12
See you in Santa Clara!
Database testing with ShiningPanda (2/2)
Database testing with ShiningPanda (1/2)
ShiningPanda plugin 0.10 for Jenkins is out!
Selenium, Python and Jenkins on Debian - 3/3
One click away from database testing
Selenium, Python and Jenkins on Debian - 2/3
Selenium, Python and Jenkins on Debian - 1/3
ShiningPanda plugin 0.7 is out!
Python multiple versions testing with Jenkins
ShiningPanda Services
2012 will be awesome!
Introducing Selenose
Support for multiple users
ShiningPanda is Selenium ready!
Tox on Jenkins with ShiningPanda plugin
ShiningPanda plugin 0.6 is out!
Jython Support & PyPy 1.7
ShiningPanda plugin 0.5 is out!
PyCon US 2012
Stackless Python Support
A bug and a mantis
PyPy Support
Testing on multiple versions of Python
ShiningPanda plugin for Jenkins CI
Why ShiningPanda?
Pricing Update
Get started today!
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